AUD 121, Winter 2019
UCLA, Architecture and Urban Design

Mutants, from X-Men, to two-headed sheep, to the human genome, retain some elements of their original form while others change, some changes may not be visible. Studes use the concept of mutation as a way to alter, change, and create a formal language for designing. As we move from form and organization to interiority, site, program, etc. our mutations will have ongoing impact, with the potential to connect levels, navigate users through the building, and transform program, in new and unexpected ways.

Space is thought of as the situation resulting from the boundaries of these compositions. Ideas about corners, corridors, heights, openings, piles, stacks, lines, floors, lightness and heaviness, looseness and precision will all be explored through model experiments and representational drawings. The content and study will also be about the inevitable processional and series of entries and exits that results from these compositions.